I am an Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where I work with Xiao Wang and Jason Buenrostro. I primarily develop methods for connectomic analysis while researching innateness in neurodevelopment and AI. I am part of the 2025 cohorts of Forbes USA 30 Under 30 Science and Forbes Hungary 30 Under 30.

I am passionate about how theory can accelerate neurodevelopment research, and how neurodev and neuroevolution can inform machine learning and neuroscience models. I have organized three workshops on the topic, at Cosyne 2023, at an internal event at Harvard in May 2023, and at the Bernstein Computational Neuroscience Conference. I currently lead the Harvard Neurodevelopment Club (since 2024) and the Boston Hungarians Science Lectures (since 2021).

In 2023, Balázs Csizik and I exhibited Biophilia in which we reflected on the paralleles between biological and urban growth.

I received my PhD (advised by Florian Engert) from the Harvard Biophysics Graduate Program in 2024. I received my B.S. in Physics from the University of Notre Dame, where I worked with Zoltán Toroczkai on distance-based network models of brain connectivity (2013-2017).


Page me at barabasi(a)broadinstitute(d)org.