I am an Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where I work with Xiao Wang and Jason Buenrostro. I primarily develop methods for connectomic analysis while researching innateness in neurodevelopment and AI. I am part of the 2025 cohorts of Forbes USA 30 Under 30 Science and Forbes Hungary 30 Under 30.
I am passionate about how theory can accelerate neurodevelopment research, and how neurodev and neuroevolution can inform machine learning and neuroscience models. I have organized three workshops on the topic, at Cosyne 2023, at an internal event at Harvard in May 2023, and at the Bernstein Computational Neuroscience Conference. I currently lead the Harvard Neurodevelopment Club (since 2024) and the Boston Hungarians Science Lectures (since 2021).
In 2023, Balázs Csizik and I exhibited Biophilia in which we reflected on the paralleles between biological and urban growth.
I received my PhD (advised by Florian Engert) from the Harvard Biophysics Graduate Program in 2024. I received my B.S. in Physics from the University of Notre Dame, where I worked with Zoltán Toroczkai on distance-based network models of brain connectivity (2013-2017).
- I was a NeuroAI Scholar at CSHL with Tony Zador and Alex Koulakov (Summer 2021).
- I worked on a Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award at the National Institute of Mental Health (2017-2018).
- As a Janelia Undergraduate Scholar, I modeled fly behavior using Reinforcement Learning with Ann Hermundstad and Vivek Jayaraman (2017).
- I participated in the Undergraduate Research Program at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, optimizing a calcium imaging analysis pipeline with Anne Churchland and Matt Kaufman (2016).
- At MIT, I prototyped methods for reconstructing neurons from Expansion Microscopy with Adam Marblestone and Ed Boyden (2015).
- Even earlier, I assisted with Yeast-Two Hybrid assays of protein-protein interactions with Nidhi Sahni in Marc Vidal's Center for Cancer Systems Biology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (2012), and developed face recognition software for social interaction research with Manuel Cebrian in Sandy Pentland's Human Dynamics group at the MIT Media Lab (2010).
Page me at barabasi(a)broadinstitute(d)org.